

The new administration building project lacks any justification for spending multi-millions of resident dollar to construct a new building.

There has been no detailed engineering analysis performed to determine a real cost estimate to renovate versus constructing a a new building.

  • There have been no actions taken to accommodate additional space requirements nor are there any plans to add handicapped parking outside the CH 1 Terrace Room
  • There has been no genuine consideration for teleworking
  • Move out realtor Wiechert, (who has an office in LW Plaza) and the barely used credit union
  • Remove non-load bearing walls and install cubicles
  • The lobby provides for additional work space
  • There is no supporting documentation to support the position that the current building is inadequate

On the other hand, in 2005, Interplan, Inc. was contracted to perform a space needs analysis.

After initiating contact with Interplan, Inc., Lisa Lamp identified the cost to conduct a complete analysis to determine the cost to renovate the administration building would be $25,000:

From: "Lisa M. Lamp"

Date: February 14, 2018 3:35:06 PM EST

To: "" <>

Hello, Sheryl:

If you are referring to Building Code compliance, the architectural portion of that kind of analysis, and code review, will cost between $10,000 and $15,000. A review of the mechanical and electrical systems will probably cost around $10,000. These are ballpark figures only. Any analysis starts with a goal for what you want to do with the building. Your goals will frame and guide the analysis.

I hope this helps.


Lisa M. Lamp, AIA, LEED® AP


Interplan Inc.

8224 Old Courthouse Road, Suite 100

Vienna, Virginia 22182

o: 202.362.5300 x109

d: 202.464.9309

m: 202.669.7185


From: []

Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 3:01 PM

To: Lisa M. Lamp

Subject: cost to rehab LW Admin. Bldg.


do you have any idea of the cost to obtain a structural assessment to rehab the LW Admin. Bldg. bringing it up to current code from top to bottom:

This was the motion made at the Nov. 2014 LW BOD meeting: