"JustUs" at the August 17, 2018

Executive Committee Meeting

I like big butts and i will not lie\.mov

"I like big butts, and I cannot lie"

Click on the files below to listen to residents address issues at the August 17, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting

Barbara Braswell addresses the Budget & Finance and Communication Committee's motions to ban recordings of OPEN meetings

Barbara Braswell.mp3

Jay Harding expresses concerns about allowing the general manager to spend up to $50,000 without board consent

Jay Harding .mp3

Carolee Rowse asks why the general manager walks out of meetings when residents speak @ Open Forum stating--he needs to be told to come back into the room

Carolee Rowse.mp3

Carl Dahlstrom: addresses his notice re: the temperature of buffet breakfast, unsanitary practices of employees and the rudeness of a waitress.

Carl Dahlstrom.mp3

Janice McClean: "there's something wrong" - calls for a change in management

Janice McClean.mp3
Sheryl Katzman.mp3

In Your Face