Code Violations

Montgomery County Fire Marshall report detailing violations in a 22 page report


"JustUs" believes that LWMC committed fraud when filing for hazardous material use permits with Montgomery. LW has four locations where hazardous materials are used. "JustUs" obtained the document below which reflects only two locations as having been permitted by the county. "JustUs" is in the process of a Books and Records request from LW to determine if Montgomery County issued LW another violation.

LW Hazmat license.pdf

LWMC failing to comply with Montgomery County Code to obtain a permit and inspection for electrical work thus placing employees and residents in potential peril. LWMC was also cited for blocking exits.

Hand rails.pdf

"JustUs" worked to get hand rails and a light installed

Before "JustUs" intervened

After "JustUs" Intervened--no smoking signs posted on gas tanks