All photos below, unless otherwise stated, were taken by JustUs and its members
All photos below, unless otherwise stated, were taken by JustUs and its members
Dirty and greasy vent
Dirty and greasy vent
Dirt caked on screen and dirty window
Dirt caked on screen and dirty window
Dirt caked on screen, dirty window and window frame
Dirt caked on screen, dirty window and window frame
Dirt caked on screen and dirty window
Dirt caked on screen and dirty window
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator and unlocked
Algae and dirt laden freezer and or refrigerator and unlocked
Spilled grease mingled with leaves
Spilled grease mingled with leaves
Knife left on windowsill
Knife left on windowsill
KItchen window open and no screen
KItchen window open and no screen
Above picture shows a window without a screen open in the Grille kitchen. This window stayed open 24 hours per day 7 days a week allowing animals, birds and insects free access to the kitchen. The health department was notified about this window and the filthy windows and screens for all the Grille kitchen. The health department wrote the below report that made the restaurant place a screen in the window and clean all the windows and screens. Why do these people have to be told to clean anything?
FoodInspection cascade 61918.pdf