
An Agent of Change

"JustUs" has detected, reported and caused repairs for various county code violations in LW

Health Department Violations

Fire Code Violations

Hazardous Material Violations

Health Code violations include:


Clubhouse 1

Clubhouse 2

Electrical Code

Hazardous Material

Exterior Lights Left on 24 Hours per Day

Clubhouse 1 (Now Repaired)

Clubhouse II (Reported to PPD on April 13, 2018 repaired April 26, 2018 )

Medical Center (Reported to PPD on April 13, 2018 repaired April 26, 2018 )

Gaping Hole in Fence

Reported to Chair LW BOD Paul Eisenhaur as a security and repair issue

(Reported to LW BOD April 16, 2018)