Open Forum Issues
JustUs speaks up and speaks out on issues affecting residents and the operation and maintenance of Leisure World. Click on the links below to listen to JustUs members in various open forums.
The Leisure World House of Commons
August 27, 2013
You are watching the Leisure World of Maryland Board of Directors BOOING a resident. Leisure World of Maryland is an 8500 senior citizen resident gated community located in Silver Spring, Maryland. In April, 2013 the LW Board of Directors entertained a resolution by their specially appointed "Deer Committee" asking for a contract to hire professional bow and arrow deer killers.
On 8/27/13, Motions seeking more information were being voted on by the LW BOD. Resident Jim Hurley stood to address the BOD, asking they remove any further suggestion of lethal deer control methods, now or in the future. He stated the Leisure World legacy should not include any lethal method, and that should they ever decide to kill the Leisure World deer, the Board members should be required to take their grandchildren to witness the deer being slaughtered. Like a scene from the British House of Commons, the senior citizens comprising the Board of Directors erupted and began to loudly boo him.
Jim responded, "You are acting as children."
NOTE: The poor quality of the video results from poor quality control - the meetings are recorded on a camcorder = placed in a corner of the meeting room - weeks later shown on their closed circuit tv channel.